Character Formation
Becoming young people of competence, conscience, compassion and commitment are key to a Jesuit, Catholic formation. It is a formation that allows students to meet adversity with fortitude, underlined by respect, responsibility and building healthy relationships.
When Loyola graduates work and contribute to their communities, the strength of a Jesuit, Catholic formation is clear to those they meet. Loyola forms men and women for and with others.

Office of Mission and Formation
The Office of the VP of Mission and Formation’s role is to accompany students through difficult situations on a small and large scale. Loyola strives to be a school that is well disciplined, by encouraging among its students a spirit of self-discipline. While the School ensures respect for its rules, it equally ensures that, in enforcement of those rules, the dignity of all concerned, students, parents and teachers, as well as the welfare of the general student body, is always respected.

Over the five years of Loyola, with time to reflect and learn about oneself and the world around them, students are encouraged to develop their own self-discipline, to hold themselves accountable and discern the right course of action in any given situation, always working towards becoming graduates who are intellectually competent, religious, loving, open to growth and committed to doing justice.

Tech Policy
All Loyola students are provided with devices to assist them in learning both at school and at home. Relying on online hubs, or learning management systems, students always have access to the materials and assignments they need to succeed in their courses.
Media literacy programs and responsible use of technology is core to our formation. Students and their families agree to technology use that is for learning purposes while on campus and that being a man and woman for others extends to their presence and interactions online. Personal device use is not permitted while on campus at Loyola.