Make a gift

There are a variety of ways you can make a gift to support Loyola.



Click on Make a Gift here or on our home page to donate by credit card via PayPal (note: you do not require a PayPal account). 

Payments in Canadian funds
Payments in American funds

By cheque

By cheque

Send a cheque payable to the Loyola High School Foundation. Donors who wish to receive a U.S. tax receipt should make their cheques payable to the U.S. Friends of Loyola Foundation.



Send an electronic transfer from your bank to Loyola High School Foundation. The email associated with our account is [email protected].

Other Methods

Wire Transfer

For banking details, please contact [email protected].

Gift of Securities

For more information on gifting stock, mutual funds or bonds, please contact [email protected].

For information on including Loyola is your estate plans (e.g. bequest or life insurance policy), please contact [email protected].

Company Matching Gift

Current or retired employees may be eligible for the matching gift program offered by their employer. Please check if such a program exists at your company or your spouse's, and you may be able to double your gift to Loyola.